Friday, February 29, 2008

Thoughts on Questionnaires II

Thoughts on questionnaires. I guess I have no real thoughts on questionnaires. They are like the writing prompts that teachers put on the black board when we were kids. People fill out questioners when they can not think of anything to write about. I have had problems getting this blog started. I thought that filling out some questionnaires might be a good way to start. I have seen this questioner allot this month. It is about relationships.

How long have you been together? Married 11 ¾ years
How long did you date? 2 years
How old is he? 33
Who said "I love you" first? Darin says he did but I don’t remember.
Who is taller? He is!
Who sings better? Him. I am tone deaf.
Who is smarter? Darin by far. I have more education but my memory is like a sieve.
Who does the laundry? Me and the boys. Darin claims he never learned how.
Who does the dishes? Me and the boys.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does, always. He says I do. I guess it matters how you look at the bed. If we are laying in bed Darin is on the right.
Who pays the bills? Me but he would be better at it.
Who mows the lawn? Lawn? He blows the leaves off the walk ways and uses a weed whacker for the weeds.
Who cooks dinner? Usually me but He is better at it.
Who is more stubborn? Darin but I am tempted to say Ben he takes after his dad.
Who asked who out? Darin asked me when I was going to take him out and I said you mean when are you going to take me out and then he said tonight.
Who proposed? Darin but we talked about it before he proposed.
Who is more sensitive? Me but once again I am tempted to say Ben or Nate.
Who has more friends? Darin! He is much more of a people person than me. I tend to be shy and reserved.
Who has more siblings? Me four brothers.

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